High Cloud Foundation Blog

Who Reached the High Clouds this month?

Name: Alicia Guadalupe Vizuete

Profession: Teacher for more than 20 years at Magdalena Cabezas del Duran

Title: Ms. Guadalupe is the Principal of the School

Ms. Guadalupe is from Rio Bamba located in the province of Chimborazo in central Ecuador. Despite the fact that the school, Magdalena Cabezas del Duran, is considered one of the poorest schools in the country, Ms. Guadalupe has strived to provide an unprecedented quality of education to the children attending the school. With only the scarce resources and the poor infrastructure that the school has, Ms. Guadalupe with the help of her staff of teachers, have made the school known for preparing children with academic excellence and personal achievement.

Brazilian Capoeira Event to Send School Supplies to Children in Ecuador and Brazil!

Ever wish you could learn more about other cultures through it's music, food, arts, dance and people? Well the High Cloud Team had an amazing event on March 29th at FICA, Fundação Internacional de Capoeira Angola, in Washington D.C. Instructor Fabio Melo along with two of his colleagues were the foremost Ambassadors of Brazilian culture to the High Cloud Team. The event was superb and was composed of four sections: a Capoeira demonstration, a Brazilian seminar, a lesson (teaching Brazilian instruments, songs and Capoeira martial arts movements) and we concluded the event by sharing some native Brazilian Hors d'Oeuvres.

Where else could you celebrate a cause, make new friends, and learn about the beauties and enchantment of Brazil? Many passionate people joined High Cloud for an unforgettable Brazilian experience. It was all about having fun with a purpose and to raise enough funds to send school supplies to children that live in extreme conditions. Remember, your participation counts! Join our Meetup Group to see participate in upcoming events: http://philanthropy.meetup.com/13
Thanks to all the High Clouders who worked arduously to make this event a success!

Philanthropy Starts at Home - High Cloud Running Team Runs the Shamrock Marathon and Wirefly Half-Marathon

The High Cloud Running Team met early in the morning on both the morning of March 16th in Virginia Beach and March 29th in Washington D.C. Preparing for the long and challenging courses, the Running Team traded "best practices" and other tips / tricks that help them individually complete the course. The one thing that kept the cold and tired High Cloud Runners motivated and infused with energy was the solemn fact that they were running for a purpose - to alleviate world poverty, saving one child at a time, running with High Cloud one mile at a time!

Please join the High Cloud Running Team in walking or running events throughout the world so you can help make a difference for children like Jason and Daniela who live on less than one dollar a day! Send an e-mail to founder@highcloud.org

High Cloud Providing Food and School Supplies to Ecuador and Brazil!

High Cloud is supporting a community in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, composed of 150 people. This community is located in the neighborhood of Roupa Suja, one of the poorest neighborhoods in Rocinha, the largest favela in Latin America.

Thanks to your kind support, High Cloud will be able to provide food (i.e. oatmeal, rice, beans, pasta and snacks) as well as home-cook meals to more than 100 children ages 4-17 in the Daycare and School Programs in this community. High Cloud will deliver these supplies on our next humanitarian trip to Brazil on April 19th. During this endeavor, the High Cloud Team will conduct a "Food for Thought" workshop on the importance of Nutrition and Healthy life style to the community's daycare. Thanks High Cloud supporters, you are helping us to improve the quality of life of the children and families living in the community of Roupa Suja in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The High Cloud Foundation is also sending school supplies to children at a low-income school in a community located north of Guayaquil, on the coastal region of Ecuador. The school, Magdalena Cabezas de Duran School, is in dire need of school supplies and basic needs such as food, self-esteem, and educational opportunities. High Cloud Director of Operations for Ecuador, Adriana Avalos, and Ecuador Field Team member, Alejandro Avalos, will provide boxes of notebooks, pens and pencils to children starting school in April.

Please click here on the following link to see how you can help a child "reach the clouds" by providing donations and inspirations: